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Information about yourself

import itkdb

client = itkdb.Client()
client.user.authenticate()  # (1)!
user = client.get("getUser", json={"userIdentity": client.user.identity})
print([institution["code"] for institution in user["institutions"]])
# ['UCSC', ...]
  1. If you have not made any requests to the database using the client in the current session, you need to manually call itkdb.core.User.authenticate to instantiate details about the user.

Information about another user

import itkdb

client = itkdb.Client()
user = client.get("getUser", json={"userIdentity": "23-2145-1"})
print([institution["code"] for institution in user["institutions"]])

Getting a component

import itkdb

client = itkdb.Client()
component = client.get("getComponent", json={"component": "20USBSX0000421"})  # (1)!
print(f"code={component['code']}, sn={component['serialNumber']}")
# code=0b7346e49f2c2d6153fb940e20da4978, sn=20USBSX0000421
  1. You can also get a component by it's mongo ObjectId, or alternative identifier.

Checking if component exists

import itkdb

c = itkdb.Client()
    comp = c.get("getComponent", json={"component": sn})
except itkdb.exceptions.BadRequest as exc:  # (1)!
    if (
        "ucl-itkpd-main/getComponent/componentDoesNotExist" in exc.response.json()
    ):  # (2)!
        msg = f"component with serial number {sn} does not exist."
        raise KeyError(msg)  # (3)!
  1. itkdb will raise a itkdb.exceptions.BadRequest exception which will happen in the case of trying to get a component that does not exist.
  2. It might not always be the case that one receives a BadRequest due to a missing component, but could be some other reason. Here, we check information in the uuAppErrorMap to understand what error(s) actually happened.
  3. We raise a KeyError that's specific to your application, but you can certainly do any other logic you would like here.

Using the cache

By default, itkdb.core.Session instances have use_cache=True. What this means is that when the API responds with information in the headers about the ability to cache the result, itkdb will do its best to follow the HTTP Caching spec and automatically cache where instructed to. If you're not sure what caching is, please refer to the Mozilla Web Docs for a gentler introduction to HTTP caching.

In many cases, however, the Production Database API does not instruct us to cache so itkdb provides a way to override this. In order to force (override) the headers, one can specify how long a particular request should be cached for using the expires_after keyword as shown below.

import itkdb

c = itkdb.Client(expires_after=dict(days=1))  # (1)!
c.get("listInstitutions")  # (2)!
assert c._response.from_cache == False
c.get("listInstitutions")  # (3)!
assert c._response.from_cache == True
  1. We will set the expiry to 1 day. This uses the same structure as datetime.timedelta from python's standard library, so days, seconds, weeks, etc.
  2. Simply perform any request operation that should be cache-able, such as GET requests. The first time the request is made, it will not be cached.
  3. The next time you make the same request within the expiry time, it will pull your request from the cache automatically.

Retrieving a list of components

This example shows how to iterate through components, requesting 32 components from the database at a time:

import itkdb

client = itkdb.Client()

data = {"project": "P", "pageInfo": {"pageSize": 32}}  # (1)!
components_pixels = client.get("listComponents", json=data)  # (2)!

print(  # (3)!

for component in components_pixels:  # (4)!
  1. Each page retrieved from the database will have at most 32 components. Strictly speaking, every page but the last page will be guaranteed to have 32 components.
  2. For any request from the database that retrieves a list of items, such as listComponents or listInstitutions, the response typically is paginated (wrapped in a "pageItemList" key). The itkdb.Client returns a itkdb.responses.PagedResponse object that helps deal with the pagination by automatically retrieving more pages for you as needed. This line only loads the first page (a single HTTP request is made).
  3. There's a lot of metadata stored on the itkdb.responses.PagedResponse object that is useful for inspection without having to make additional requests.
  4. itkdb.responses.PagedResponse can be treated like an iterable in python and you can just simply iterate over it. As you iterate and exhaust items on the currently fetched page, it will automatically make another HTTP request to fetch the next page for you (if there is one), or stop the iteration once you've reached the limit of items.

Retrieve test type information from component

Information on the type of tests which have been uploaded to a component in the database is accessible from the component object.

import itkdb

client = itkdb.Client()
component = client.get("getComponent", json={"component": "20USBSX0000421"})  # (1)!
component["tests"]  # (2)!
[print(f"{x['name']}: {len(x['testRuns'])}") for x in component["tests"]]
# Manufacturing Data ATLAS18: 1
# ATLAS18 IV Test V1: 1
# ATLAS18 CV Test V1: 1
# ATLAS18 Visual Inspection V2: 1
  1. Retrieve component information (as above)
  2. Test type information part of returned object

Retrieve a test run

Test data is retrieved from testRun objects stored in the database and associated with a component. Test data is retrieved by two queries: the first retrieves the test id which is used to identify the testRun object; the second retrieves the test run results.

import itkdb

client = itkdb.Client()
component = client.get("getComponent", json={"component": "20USBSX0000421"})  # (1)!
testID = [
    for x in component["tests"]
    for y in x["testRuns"]
    if x["name"] == "ATLAS18 Visual Inspection V2"
]  # (2)!
# 610a7774124ef4000aeee6c9
testRun = client.get("getTestRun", json={"testRun": testID[0]})  # (3)!
print(f"testRun id={testRun['id']}, of testType:{testRun['testType']['name']}")
# testRun id=610a7774124ef4000aeee6c9, of testType:ATLAS18 Visual Inspection V2
  1. Retrieve component information
  2. Select particular test run of test type: ATLAS18 Visual Inspection V2
  3. Retrieve test data by mongo ObjectId only

Retrieve multiple tests

Retrieval of test run data can be scaled up using a bulk query. In this case an array of test id s is used to retrieve corresponding test data.

import itkdb

client = itkdb.Client()
component = client.get("getComponent", json={"component": "20USBSX0000421"})  # (1)!
testID = [y["id"] for x in component["tests"] for y in x["testRuns"]]  # (2)!
# ['5f87c40e50d75e000a33281c', '5f902b121a9458000a97c30c', '5f902b0e1a9458000a97c2f8', '610a7774124ef4000aeee6c9']
testRuns = client.get("getTestRunBulk", json={"testRun": testID})  # (3)!
print(f"testRuns found: {len(testRuns)}")
# testRuns found: 4
  1. Retrieve component information
  2. Select set of test runs - same or various types
  3. Retrieve test data by mongo ObjectIds only

Download an attachment from ITkPD

Downloading an attachment from the database is relatively straightforward. When using itkdb.Client (and not itkdb.core.Session), the response will automatically be converted to a itkdb.models.BinaryFile-like object. All BinaryFile have the same baseline set of functionality, with additional helpers specific to the type of attachment (or file) that has been downloaded (such as itkdb.models.ImageFile or itkdb.models.TextFile).

In order to reduce the memory overhead, these attachments are ephemeral (temporarily saved to disk). If you need to persist longer, you can use the corresponding function (see

import itkdb

client = itkdb.Client()

data = {"component": component_code, "code": attachment_code}

attachment = client.get("getComponentAttachment", json=data)  # (1)!
attachment  # <itkdb.models.file.ImageFile(....) file-like object at TMP_PATH> (2)
attachment.mimetype  # 'image/x-canon-cr2' (3)
attachment.content_type  # 'image/x-canon-cr2' (4)
attachment.extension  # 'cr2' (5)
attachment.filename  # 'TMP_PATH' (6)
attachment.suggested_filename  # 'PB6.CR2' (7)
attachment.size  # 35819362 (8)
attachment.size_fmt  # '34.2MiB' (9)  # saves to disk (10)
  1. This is an itkdb.models.ImageFile.
  2. The attachment object
  3. The mimetype of the content from the response headers
  4. The mimetype of the content using itkdb.utils.get_mimetype
  5. The extension of the file
  6. The filename of the ephemeral file on disk
  7. The filename extracted from the response headers (may not have one!)
  8. The size of the file in bytes
  9. The human-readable size of the file
  10. If no path is specified, will use suggested_filename and save to current working directory.
import itkdb

client = itkdb.Client()

data = {"shipment": shipment_code, "code": attachment_code}

attachment = client.get("getShipmentAttachment", json=data)  # (1)!
attachment  # <itkdb.models.file.TextFile(....) file-like object at TMP_PATH> (2)
attachment.mimetype  # 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8' (3)
attachment.content_type  # 'text/plain' (4)
attachment.extension  # 'txt' (5)
attachment.filename  # 'TMP_PATH' (6)
attachment.suggested_filename  # 'for_gui test3.txt' (7)
attachment.size  # 23 (8)
attachment.size_fmt  # '23.0B' (9)  # saves to disk (10)
  1. This is an itkdb.models.TextFile.
  2. The attachment object
  3. The mimetype of the content from the response headers
  4. The mimetype of the content using itkdb.utils.get_mimetype
  5. The extension of the file
  6. The filename of the ephemeral file on disk
  7. The filename extracted from the response headers (may not have one!)
  8. The size of the file in bytes
  9. The human-readable size of the file
  10. If no path is specified, will use suggested_filename and save to current working directory.
import itkdb

client = itkdb.Client()

data = {"testRun": test_run_code, "code": attachment_code}

attachment = client.get("getTestRunAttachment", json=data)  # (1)!
attachment  # <itkdb.models.file.ZipFile(....) file-like object at TMP_PATH> (2)
attachment.mimetype  # 'application/zip' (3)
attachment.content_type  # 'application/zip' (4)
attachment.extension  # 'zip' (5)
attachment.filename  # 'TMP_PATH' (6)
attachment.suggested_filename  # '' (7)
attachment.size  # 226988 (8)
attachment.size_fmt  # '221.7KiB' (9)  # saves to disk (10)
  1. This is an itkdb.models.ZipFile.
  2. The attachment object
  3. The mimetype of the content from the response headers
  4. The mimetype of the content using itkdb.utils.get_mimetype
  5. The extension of the file
  6. The filename of the ephemeral file on disk
  7. The filename extracted from the response headers (may not have one!)
  8. The size of the file in bytes
  9. The human-readable size of the file
  10. If no path is specified, will use suggested_filename and save to current working directory.

Download an attachment from EOS

Downloading an attachment from EOS is less relatively straightforward than from ITkPD. It requires a two-step process, one to query the component (or test run or shipment) with the attachment with noEosToken=False, and then GET the generated URL for that attachment in the object's attachments. Similar to the previous example, when using itkdb.Client (and not itkdb.core.Session), the response will automatically be converted to a itkdb.models.BinaryFile-like object. All BinaryFile have the same baseline set of functionality, with additional helpers specific to the type of attachment (or file) that has been downloaded (such as itkdb.models.ImageFile or itkdb.models.TextFile).

In order to reduce the memory overhead, these attachments are ephemeral (temporarily saved to disk). If you need to persist longer, you can use the corresponding function (see

import itkdb

c = itkdb.Client()

component = "92578da734e6abd4f7931f17735a2ecc"
attachment = "a7dcd4a422690e798a91e40d226725f5"

comp = c.get("getComponent", json={"component": component, "noEosToken": False})
assert comp["attachments"][3]["code"] == attachment  # (1).

attachment = c.get(comp["attachments"][3]["url"])  # (2).
attachment  # <itkdb.models.file.ZipFile(....) file-like object at TMP_PATH> (3)
attachment.mimetype  # 'image/jpeg' (4)
attachment.content_type  # 'image/jpeg' (5)
attachment.extension  # 'jpg' (6)
attachment.filename  # 'TMP_PATH' (7)
attachment.suggested_filename  # None (8)
attachment.size  # 161568 (9)
attachment.size_fmt  # '157.8KiB' (10)  # saves to disk (11)
  1. Just an assertion to confirm or indicate which attachment we were using for this example (if you wanted to try it out yourself!)
  2. This gives a warning indicating that itkdb detected an image-type and will auto-convert: Changing the mimetype for the response from EOS from 'application/octet-stream' to 'image/jpeg'..
  3. The attachment object
  4. The mimetype of the content from the response headers
  5. The mimetype of the content using itkdb.utils.get_mimetype
  6. The extension of the file
  7. The filename of the ephemeral file on disk
  8. The filename extracted from the response headers (may not have one!)
  9. The size of the file in bytes
  10. The human-readable size of the file
  11. If no path is specified, will use suggested_filename and save to current working directory.

Upload an attachment


This example uploads an attachment for components (createComponentAttachment), but you can also do this with shipments (createShipmentAttachment) and tests (createTestRunAttachment).

Uploading an attachment to ITkPD or EOS is the same as if you were doing it to any other API. You can see the documentation from requests on how to POST a multipart-encoded file.

I recommend that you upload using contexts to automatically close the open file pointer when done.

import itkdb

client = itkdb.Client()

filename = / "1x1.jpg"  # (1)!

data = {
    "component": "20UXXAB1234567",
    "title": "a test image attachment",
    "description": "a small image shipped with itkdb",
    "url": filename,
    "type": "file",

with"rb") as fpointer:
    files = {"data": itkdb.utils.get_file_components({"data": fpointer})}  # (2)!
    response ="createComponentAttachment", data=data, files=files)  # (3)!

response["id"]  # '63ff7e7d4069b50036fe0ab9'
response["code"]  # '756d0ce0213b856b83da494958d2aab4'
response["awid"]  # 'dcb3f6d1f130482581ba1e7bbe34413c'
  1. Here, we'll use a small test image that is shipped with itkdb for demonstration. Feel free to use the same to test your code.
  2. This is typically a tuple specifying the filename, an open pointer to the file (readable for streaming the upload), the mimetype, and additional headers to set on the request for that specific file. This is specific to how requests accepts or recognizes the files argument here, so refer to their documentation. Additionally, itkdb.utils.get_file_components is a utility I provide to make this easier to generate (see below for example usage).
  3. While it is called files indicating you could upload multiple files, the production database only allows uploading a single file.

The following response keys exist:

import itkdb

client = itkdb.Client(use_eos=True)

filename = / "1x1.jpg"  # (1)!

data = {
    "component": "20UXXAB1234567",
    "title": "a test image attachment",
    "description": "a small image shipped with itkdb",
    "url": filename,
    "type": "file",

with"rb") as fpointer:
    files = {"data": itkdb.utils.get_file_components({"data": fpointer})}  # (2)!
    response ="createComponentAttachment", data=data, files=files)  # (3)!
    # Ignoring user-specified data={'url': ..., 'type': 'file'} (4)

response["code"]  # '1c0ee8c12a2f7bd43c3ee997b70ab20c'
]  # '' (5)
response["token"]  # 'zteos64:...' (6)
  1. Here, we'll use a small test image that is shipped with itkdb for demonstration. Feel free to use the same to test your code.
  2. This is typically a tuple specifying the filename, an open pointer to the file (readable for streaming the upload), the mimetype, and additional headers to set on the request for that specific file. This is specific to how requests accepts or recognizes the files argument here, so refer to their documentation. Additionally, itkdb.utils.get_file_components is a utility I provide to make this easier to generate (see below for example usage).
  3. This will make two requests, one to the ITkPD API to generate the attachment metadata in the database, and then another request to EOS using the generated metadata from the first request. Additionally, like with ITkPD, EOS only allows uploading a single file.
  4. You will typically see a warning about key/value pairs supplied in the data argument that are not being used in the subsequent request to EOS. This is ok, and an indication that the file is in the process of being uploaded to EOS.
  5. The URL on EOS that the file was uploaded to. Notice that it is under three subdirectories named based on the first three characters of the corresponding item mongo ObjectId for the component, shipment, or test run.
  6. The ephemeral (short-lived) token associated with the request to upload the file to EOS. Do not save this token as it expires quickly.

The following response keys exist:


Generating file components for multipart uploads

requests has a files argument that accepts a couple of different sets of inputs:

{"data": filepointer}
{"data": (filename, filepointer)}
{"data": (filename, filepointer, filetype)}
{"data": (filename, filepointer, filetype, fileheaders)}

But itkdb.utils.get_file_components is a utility function to make it easier to generate this consistently for you. To use, you can run like so:

import itkdb

with ( / "1x1.jpg").open("rb") as image_fp:
    itkdb.utils.get_file_components({"data": image_fp})
    # ('1x1.jpg', <_io.BufferedReader...>, 'image/jpeg', {})

with ( / "").open("rb") as text_fp:
    itkdb.utils.get_file_components({"data": ("", text_fp)})
    # ('', <_io.BufferedReader...>, 'text/x-shellscript', {}) (1)

with ( / "tiny.root").open("rb") as root_fp:
        {"data": ("analysis.root", root_fp, "application/x+cern-root")}
    # ('analysis.root', <_io.BufferedReader...>, 'application/x+cern-root', {}) (2)
  1. The filename is rather than
  2. There is no official mimetype for ROOT files assigned with IANA. If you don't set one, the default application/octet-stream will be used. This default is technically ok as the mimetypes are treated as hints/suggestions, rather than as a rule.

Delete an attachment


This example deletes an attachment for components (deleteComponentAttachment), but you can also do this with shipments (deleteShipmentAttachment) and tests (deleteTestRunAttachment).


Because of the flow for deleting attachments, the attachment type is not known ahead of time so you must have itkdb[eos] installed and use_eos=True enabled.

Deleting an attachment works as you expect, but itkdb will do additional work to remove the attachment from EOS if it is on EOS. The code below will assume this attachment exists and show you the code for how to delete it:

import itkdb

client = itkdb.Client(use_eos=True)

component = "20UXXAB1234567"  # (1)!
attachment = "756d0ce0213b856b83da494958d2aab4"  # (2)!

response =
    "deleteComponentAttachment", json={"component": component, "code": attachment}

response["id"]  # '63ff7e7d4069b50036fe0ab9'
response["code"]  # '756d0ce0213b856b83da494958d2aab4'
response["awid"]  # 'dcb3f6d1f130482581ba1e7bbe34413c'
  1. Here, we use the same component identifier from uploading an attachment example.
  2. This is the code of the attachment reported from ITkPD, not the mongo ObjectID.
  3. While it is called files indicating you could upload multiple files, the production database only allows uploading a single file.

The following response keys exist:


and under attachment is:


The following response keys exist:

["attachment", "token"]

and under attachment is:


Using a bearer token for your requests

itkdb supports a itkdb.typing.UserLike object which allows one to change the method of authentication (or create your own User type) that is used by itkdb.Client. In this example, we will demonstrate how to switch to itkdb.core.UserBearer.

import itkdb

user = itkdb.core.UserBearer(bearer="mybearertoken")  # (1)!
client = itkdb.Client(user=user)  # (2)!
  1. Create your itkdb.core.UserBearer user.
  2. Tell the itkdb.Client to use your user. Then, the client will make requests to the API using the configured API url.